Back pain is often caused by soft tissue problems. DeFalco Family Chiropractic uses the Graston Technique to treat patients that are suffering from back pain caused by soft tissue problems. The Graston Technique is a form of chiropractic care that works very well for many patients.
The Graston Technique is a form of soft tissue therapy used by chiropractors to relieve back pain. The Graston Technique utilizes surgical grade stainless steel instruments to apply massage to injured soft tissues. The tools used in the Graston Technique allow the chiropractor to feel adhesions and scar tissue that may have built up due to chronic use, acute injury or that may have occurred post surgically. The Graston Technique decreases healing time.
If you would like to learn more about the Graston Technique, please contact DeFalco Family Chiropractic. Our chiropractic office is more than happy to educate you on traction, or any other type of chiropractic treatment. Please contact us DeFalco Family Chiropractic with your chiropractic questions; we look forward to hearing from you and helping you feel better with the right chiropractic therapy.