Ten Ways to Reduce Stress

Stress can be defined simply with 2 one word definitions: Anything and everything. Our bodies need to constantly adjust to it’s environment and anything it comes in contact with is considered a stress.  Stress can be physical, chemical or emotional. If we can not

adapt to the environment we die. Heat, cold, accidents, arguments, medications, preservatives are all forms of stress. Some less severe then others and some can be positive. Stress is normal and OK as long it is not prolonged over a long period of time. The body is designed to recognize stress, adapt to the stress and then return to normal. What happens in today’s society is the body never returns to normal creating an unhealthy environment in the body leading to high blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, anxiety, depression, muscle tension, headaches, nervousness and on and on.

Our goal is to give the body what it needs to survive. Give it the right fuel, give it rest and keep it functioning at its best. Here are 10 great ways to reduce stresses affect on your body.

For the Mind

1. Meditation

Meditation is a mental break you can take each day. 10-20 distraction free minutes to clear your mind and relax your body is an effective way to reduce stress. It is simple and can be done anytime anywhere. Find a quiet place, get completely relaxed and just concentrate on breathing. Many people are unsure that they are doing it right but don’t worry about that just do it and you will see results.

2. Diary/Journal

Self knowledge is a great way to combat stress. Writing down your emotions and thoughts will help you explore them and become comfortable with yourself drastically reducing stress. When you know who you are and are comfortable in your skin anxiety, worry, self doubt will disappear  and help you feel confident and secure.

3. Music

You can listen to your favorite artist or soothing nature sounds. It is relaxing and rejuvenating. Your body moves with the music and will let you escape at times. Music has an energy so be aware of the type of music you use for relaxation. Choose soothing positive music to help reduce stress.


4. Chiropractic

Chiropractors are neuromusculoskeletal experts. The body is run by the nervous system which is largely protected by the skeletal system that works with the muscular system to produce movement. The nervous system makes your heart beat, your stomach digest, contract the muscle that moves the bone and millions of other things that happen within the body. The nervous system is what regulates the stress response. If you have an overactive nervous system then your stress response is prolonged. Chiropractic helps reduce the stress and strain on the muscles and bones to make sure the nervous system is balanced helping the body to return to normal more effectively.

5.Massage/Body therapies

This may be the most enjoyable way to reduce stress. There are many types of massage that are designed to reduce muscle tension, release toxins and put you in a state of relaxation. Never underestimate the power of touch. If you do not have the funds ask your significant other to rub your shoulders for 10-15 minutes. It reduces stress and is rejuvenating.

6. Exercise

Exercise is vitally important in fighting stress. When stressed the physiology of the body goes into survival mode. It increases your heart rate, releases sugar and cholesterol into the blood for immediate energy to run or fight. (Fight or Flight Response)  When prolonged these things become problematic. Exercise helps burn the extra energy and strengthen the heart so it takes less effort to pump the same amount of blood to the tissues.

7. Nutrition

Many of us when we are stressed go to the “comfort foods.” Foods that are laden with sugar, fat and salt. It gives instant gratification because the insulin secreted will cause a spike in serotonin, (the feel good hormone) as well. Then a few minutes later the crash comes and the guilt sets in. Not a great cycle to fall into. Choose foods and snacks that build you up not break you down. Staying with natural, whole foods will give the body the nutrients necessary to fight off the effects of stress and heal the body.

Mind and Body

8 . Sleep

A lack of sleep can diminish mental performance including poor memory and loss of focus. It can also make you more prone to heart problems, cancers, diabetes and obesity. Making sure you get adequate  rest so your mind and body can replenish and heal effectively.

9. Yoga

Yoga is an exercise with many benefits. It incorporates stretching, breathing, mental imagery and meditation which is rejuvenating. Adding yoga to your daily routine is a very effective way to reduce stress on the body and mind.

10.  Hobby

Having a hobby will get you away from the pressure of daily life. Hobbies can be anything from reading, doing crossword puzzles or building  models to volunteering to help the less fortunate. Some hobbies are more physical some are mentally challenging but they all take you away to a place where you are not rushed and put you at ease. Take up a hobby and watch you outlook change.